45 years of Architecture, Interior Design & Masterplanning
peckvonhartel was founded by Principals Robert Peck AM and Yvonne von Hartel AM in 1980. Our portfolio is extensive and multi-disciplinary ranging from large scale masterplanning and urban design to architecture and interior design. Our professional capacity is cross-sectored, creating intelligent and innovative design solutions for our clients based on business outcomes.

Department of Transport

1 Malop Street, Geelong & Worksafe Victoria

Collins Square End of Trip

VicRoads Customer Service Centre

Department of Transport Planning

Major Projects Canberra

Knox City Council

Lagardère Airport Duty Free
Medibank Retail

Equine Facilities

Ambulance, Fire & Rescue Station

Desalination Plant

Tribute Boxing Gym

Pavilion on Northbourne

DCCEEW National Workplace Design

Steelcase Showroom

Horrie Watson Pavilion

Building Remediation Works

Acor Consultants

Department of Treasury & Finance

One National Circuit

KPMG, Canberra

The Professor Marie Bashir Centre

Benjamin Hotel

Lagardère The Hills Bar, Adelaide Airport

Four Pillars Lounge, Melbourne Airport

Jamie's Italian
Rhonda Emery, Senior Project Manager, Department of Transport
“peckvonhartel engaged deeply with multiple users throughout the process of design. Their use of flythrough modelling helped us understand the design, and the way the new environment would improve the ways of working.”
Justin Murray, Construction Manager, Quintessential - 1 Malop St, Geelong