KPMG, Canberra

peckvonhartel was appointed lead designer for the new KPMG client facility in Canberra. With a client base that includes some of the world’s most innovative and forward-thinking organisations, KPMG required their own environment to be as responsive as its peers to global developments in technology, business strategy and communication platforms.

peckvonhartel has designed a highly flexible and adaptable space that encourages internal collaboration as well as supports seamless global dialogue. The 850m² fit-out is complementary to their existing workspace on the upper floors of the same building. The design brief sought to provide a space appropriate for meetings, conferences, dining and client functions.

peckvonhartel’s solution was to create a design that focuses on a central pavilion, with limited access to natural light, the materials and colour palette was selected to ensure lighting is able to change the atmosphere for varying uses.

All structural and electrical systems are invisible to the user, such as operable walls, curtains, AV Screens and internal structures concealed within the central hub.


One National Circuit


The Professor Marie Bashir Centre